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Widows 2018

Determine now in Chicago, in times of need, four women have nothing in common except the debts left by the deadliest of their sexual activity, their hands overcome izagovor to build a future on their own terms.


Steve McQueen writer:

Gillian Flynn (screenplay) Steve McQueen (screenplay) “Widow” is a matter of four women, all of whom, except for long, by the criminal behavior of their late saprug.Chikago now finished when there are difficultiesThere are tensions based on Veronica, Alice Debbie, Linda and Belle beat her in her own hands and conspired to build a future over the conditions for herself.

Veronica, Linda, Alice and Bell have nothing to do except the debt of their deceased husband. Tension is quicker when they take destiny into their own hands and hinder their future creation in their own right.