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Memory Education for Serious Students Anki is a memory system designed to help – regardless of – students stay on track for the long term. However, you have to do the study yourself, but Ank’s drilling method means you remember the answers long after you first learned there are two ways to use Ank – you can either create your own questions (cards) or download other people’s rings (card groups) from the site. Creating your own is very easy; write questions and answers (front and back of virtual cards) in each field and format them as you like, add videos, pictures, sounds (useful for language learning) or use LaTeX and (function () {(‘review app) page desktop’);} ); You can remember everything with Ank, but many of the tires available online are for Asian languages, especially Japanese. Anki works by showing you one side of the card. You will remember the answer and mark it as good, simple or very simple depending on how easily you found the question. Anki will ask you the same question again over a period of time designed to maximize the memory of your word. The program gives you detailed statistics on the results and shows you your progress in graphical form so you can keep track of what Anki may not sound like revolutionary. It is a great tool for all types of students. As long as you can put the studies you need in the format used by the Ank card, the program will provide some serious memory maximization help. It is nicely designed, developed by someone who is obviously very committed to the concept, and an ideal addition for people who are serious about learning something, a perfect program for students with all the mistakes where the card has not set an interval once a day.
Set the type in the answer box to use the same font as the field.
Please add the Latvian translation and other updated translations due to an error where the card error did not return the time slot when the daily schedule is off.
Set the type in the answer box to use the same font as the field.
Add a translation into Latvian and other translations were updated thanks to translators.