Cultural Heritage: Conflict and Reconciliation
Friday, April 17
2:00-3:00 p.m. Leadership Panel
3:00–4:00 p.m. Discussion Panel
Meyer Auditorium
Freer Gallery of Art
Smithsonian Institution
Washington D.C.
The Smithsonian Institution and the University of Chicago’s Cultural Policy Center will webcast live an afternoon event on the ways that cultural heritage is increasingly implicated in conflict and is also used to aid societal reconciliation and revitalization. This event will bring together academic, government, intergovernmental, civic and private sector leaders to discuss the global state-of-affairs for cultural heritage protection and promotion, and to consider forms of cooperation in research and professional practice around this increasingly important dimension of international affairs.
Leadership Panel, featuring:
Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
Mounir Bouchenaki, Director of the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage
Richard Kurin, Under Secretary for History, Art, and Culture at the Smithsonian Institution
Emily Rafferty, President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Interviewed by David Rubenstein, Smithsonian Regent and University of Chicago Trustee and co-founder of the Carlyle Group
Discussion Panel, featuring:
Patty Gerstenblith, Distinguished Research Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Art, Museum and Cultural Heritage Law at DePaul University
Bill Ivey, China Liaison for the American Folklore Society
Maria Kouroupas, Director of the Cultural Heritage Center, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in the U.S. Department of State
Deborah Lehr, Chairman of the Capitol Archaeological Institute at the George Washington University and Senior Fellow of the Paulson Institute at the University of Chicago
Gil Stein, Director of the Oriental Institute and Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Chicago
Interviewed by Rob Albro, Associate Research Professor in the Center for Latin American & Latino Studies at American University