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Max Payne 2: The fall of Max Payne is a slice in the series of Max Payne’s secondary Tales, and improves on everything his predecessor had to offer. More action, more adventure, more gritty black styles that made the fan original game favorite. So if he loved Max Payne first, then hop on board for more! Max Payne is back in ActionMax Payne 2: Max Payne’s downfall begins and Max returns to his former role as a NYPD explorer. So you face the unexpected face of your back and eventually mingle with crocodiles in the case of a mixture of old and new threats. Would he come, or will this case end Payne BeMax? Well, it depends on how you play the game-for Max Payne is back in action, Max Payne’s fate is in your hands! (Function () {(‘ review-App-Page-Desktop ‘);}); Pulse-Racing GameplayMax Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is proud of the third-person shooter game that leaves you on the edge of your seat. Use the secrets and abilities to carry the enemies, collect the pain medications and restore the health of the loss, and the function of bullet time to add new angles to the game. Fan no shoot-em up you may not have a chance to get in the heat of the action and the second adventure of Max Payne.