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Notepad++ is a free, open source application for writing text. A powerful editor full of options, Notepad++ is ideal for programming as well as normal ++ works with tabs, so it’s very easy to work with multiple files open at the same time. Comparing texts is therefore very easy, and every line is numbered. Font size in Notepad++ can be increased simply by holding CTRL and the mouse wheel used to zoom in. Pressing F12 makes the current tab float above everything else in (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });For coding, Notepad++ recognizes many programming languages, and will automatically make something like HTML much easier to view by color coding the text. It also has an excellent find and replace tool. As a replacement for Window’s Notepad, NotePad++ is incredible, because it has so many more features and abilities, while still being incredibly lightweight and ++ is a functional application, but it won’t win any prizes for looks, and many of the functions are only useful to programmers. However, anyone who writes text will find Notepad++ a useful tool, and much better than Windows ++ has more features than you’re ever likely to use, but is one of the best and most complete text editors (Walk around) Notepad++ hanging on CJK input with ANSI document while enabling word completion
Enhance folding performance on large documents
Check update without elevating to Administrator right
Add update auto-detection for the environment vista/windows 7/Windows 8
Fix bug: Doc switcher icon state not refreshed after ‘”save all” action
Make Document map togglable via menu
Enhance Find/Replace dialog result messages
Fix a issue that “max number of recent files” cannot be set to 0
Add font size 5, 6 and 7 in Style ConfiguratorChangesFix (Walk around) Notepad++ hanging on CJK input with ANSI document while enabling word completion
Enhance folding performance on large documents
Check update without elevating to Administrator right
Add update auto-detection for the environment vista/windows 7/Windows 8
Fix bug: Doc switcher icon state not refreshed after ‘”save all” action
Make Document map togglable via menu
Enhance Find/Replace dialog result messages
Fix a issue that “max number of recent files” cannot be set to 0
Add font size 5, 6 and 7 in Style Configurator