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Illegally condemned because of the assassination of Henri Charriere, forming an unlikely relationship between a friendly prisoner and convicted Garman of the unique Louis Degas, in an attempt to flee the proverbial criminal Code of the Devil’s Colony of the island.
Director: Michael Noer Author: Aaron Guzilovsky (author), Henry Charrire (based on the book “Papillon” and “Banko”)
Based on the international bestselling book “Papillon” and “Banco” after epic Papillon Henri “Papillon” Charrire (Charlie Hunnam), the Cubs in Paris, the land framed for murder and was ordered to live in the colony of the famous island of Satan Prisoner. It was decided to return his freedom, Papillon formed the alliance as not possibly a unique convicted Louis Dega (Rami Malek), in exchange for protection, agreed to finance, Papillon fled.