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Every PC owner faces the problem of slow computer syndrome at some stage and one of the most common causes of this frustrating issue is the Windows registry. RegCleaner can help remedy annoying registry problems that are slowing down your is a small program that displays the data that holds your Operating System together. It does so using the raw values and as such, some of the entries may seem mystical to anyone that doesnt have much experience of the Windows registry. For users who do know their way around, however, they will find this utility to be efficient and useful for weeding out any lingering entries such as unused file types, dead uninstall information, or unwanted startup (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });There is an automatic scan but it seems to be geared towards manual removal of entries. Good for quickly removing multiple keys, the lack of a confirmation dialog could lead to disaster, but as you work through various lists, everything you affect is backed-up, should you accidentally get like the no-nonsense interface of RegCleaner, which suits users who have clear objectives in mind before opening the program. Conversely, if you arent confident around the registry, dont expect any spoon-feeding from here. For that, you may want to look to alternatives such as Registry Repair or Registry , RegCleaner is a handy tool for all those that are plagued by registry problems and slow downs.
CCleaner is a utility from Piriform thatfinds and removes junk files, trackers and errors on Windows PCs (including Windows 10). It’s a great tool that optimizes and helps to improve the security of your system. It’s a great alternatice to BleachBit and Wise Disk ; With a few clicks, CCleaner helps recover disk space and makes your PC faster and more ; CCleaner is also available for Mac and ;
A great optimization (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });
Cleaning is the main function of CCleaner. With a quick scan, it detects unnecessary Windows files and applications you have installed and helps you to remove them simply and effectively.
The CCleaner Registry section is devoted to verifying the integrity of Windows Registry, the file containing the system configuration. CCleaner scans the registry for more than a dozen types of errors and provides the ability to save a backup copy before carrying out a repair.
CCleaner’s tool menu contains more specific utilities, such as a quick uninstaller, software updater to help keep your PC secure, a list of startupprograms from which you can choose apps to disable for quicker startup time and a restore point manager.
Choose your favorite interface
To clean files, simply click on the Scan button and let CCleaner discover how much waste has accumulated. Another click on the Run button and it will clean your disk instantly.
CCleaner scanner can be customized to find and remove only what you want it to. The process involves checkboxes, so it can take a little effort at times.
Registry Cleaner works in a very similar manner, and also shows the types of errors that it finds. It is quite technical information, but if something goes wrong CCleaner offers a restoration to a previous backup.
Other tools are equally simple but provide little information. Though, in truth, this minimalism is appreciated – especially when compared with other cleaners’ busy interfaces.
Depends on your situation
The utility and effectiveness of CCleaner depends on your ;It is powerful for maintaining yourprivacy, but its scanning is not the fastest.
The registry cleaning only helps in rare cases and is an operation of limited usefulness in recent versions of Windows.
The removal tools are simple but work well, though they can occasionally display incorrect data and obsolete entries that could just as easily be deleted manually.
In a category as challenged as cleaners, in which it is difficult to find honest and effective programs, CCleaner stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness. Piriform also offers CCleaner Professional and CCleaner Portable. If you are looking for other free alternatives, we recommend you to download Glary Utilitiesor Clean Master for PC.