

Organised Crimes in Art and Antiquities

By |December 12th, 2008|Relevant Reading|

December 12-14, 2008 Edited by Stefano Manacorda International Scientific and Professional  Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme: Selected papers and contributions from theInternational Conference on [...]

Basic Actions Concerning Cultural Objects Being Offered for Sale Over the Internet

By |August 4th, 2007|Media Library, Relevant Reading|

Measuring Illicit Traffic UNESCO.pdf

International Antiquities Trafficking: Theft by Another Name

By |March 1st, 2007|Relevant Reading|

International Antiquities Trafficking: Theft by Another Name - Protecting Archaeological Sites Abroad by Prosecuting Receivers, Sellers, and Smugglers of Looted Antiquities under United States Domestic Law Papers presented at [...]

Model Export Certificate for Cultural Objects

By |March 4th, 2005|Relevant Reading|


UNESCO, International Flows of Selected Cultural Goods and Services, 1994-2003

By |March 19th, 2003|Media Library, Relevant Reading|

UNESCO, International Flows of Selected Cultural Goods and Services, 1994-2003: Defining and capturing the flows of global cultural trade UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, 2005 [...]

Pity the Poor Middlemen

By |January 4th, 1998|Relevant Reading|

1998 Culture Without Context 3, Autumn, no. 4‐6. Neil Brodie Brodie 1998

Preventing the Illicit Traffic in Cultural Property: Resource Handbook for 1970 UNESCO Convention

By |March 4th, 1997|Media Library, Relevant Reading|

Resource Handbook for 1970 UNESCO Convention.pdf

UNESCO and UNIDROIT: A Partnership Against Trafficking in Cultural Objects

By |March 4th, 1996|Media Library, Relevant Reading|

By Lyndel V. Prott A Partnership Against Trafficking in Cultural Objects.pdf

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