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USBDeview gives you information about all the USB devices you use not only the ones that youre currently using, but also all those youve connected to your computer at some point in the USBDeview you can see a list of all the USB devices, including not only the device name, but also a short description, device type, and serial number. Other details in the list include information about when the device was used for the last time, whether it is currently plugged in, and whether it can be safely removed or (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });The File menu in USBDeview includes options to interact with USB devices, like enabling or disabling them, and disconnecting all of them at the same is fully customizable, meaning you can choose which columns you want to see on the interface. You can also export the data only to HTML, USBDeview youll have all the information you need about all the USB devices you use or have used at any ‘USB Version’ column, which displays the USB version of the device. This column is active only when ‘Retrieve USB Power/Version Information’ option is turned onChangesAdded ‘USB Version’ column, which displays the USB version of the device. This column is active only when ‘Retrieve USB Power/Version Information’ option is turned on