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MindMaple Lite

Structure your information NewlyMindle Lite is an application that allows users to create smart cards that help boost productivity and creativity. Designed as a way for users to organize their thoughts, ideas and more in a simple and easy to understand way, MindMaple Lite is a great tool for professionals, educators and creative types. Being a light version of the classic MindMaple software, the scale returns to functions but aims to perform the same function. Particularly attractive to those who want to try it, professionals of all types Whether you are a designer, an artist or a business professional in the industry and in the future, MindMaple Lite has many advantages for you. Bringing your thoughts and ideas together in one place is a great way to give insight into your thinking for each specific project or topic. The menu is also complete. Add resources, tables, tasks and export them to Microsoft applications such as PowerPoint, Word and (function () {(‘review-page-page-desktop’);)}; New Ways of Thinking If you have had enough of the traditional way of structuring your information, MindMaple Lite can offer a great solution. From lists and notes, MindMaple shows you how ideas are linked and helps you see the big picture. There are no restrictions on how you plan your own card, so you can think the way you want.