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The My Print Screen tool allows you to save a screen print to your PC or your cloud storage solution. The tool is very popular which is why there are so many YouTube videos on how to use it and why there are so many articles and tutorials online that show how it is Faster Than The Usual Screen Print MethodUse the My Print Screen tool if you need to take screen prints within a certain designated area. Or you may take shots of the entire screen if you wish. You may set up hot keys and you may configure the tool to generate thumbnails or other image types. You do not need to install an image editor to use the software and the GUI makes configuration very (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });Conclusion – Configure The Tool To Suit Your NeedsUse the My Print Screen tool if you are tired of having to open your Paint program to save what you have taken a screenshot of. You are able to press a button to save the screenshot instead of having to manually save each image on paint. Using this tool is far quicker than the traditional method for capturing screenshots which is perfect for when you are shooting images of time-sensitive content.