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MyVirtualHome is a 3D home design application inspired by the visual language of building a video game base. You can use it to select and use standard room blocks and then customize it by adding new color schemes that change furniture colors and more. After creating the design, you can undertake this virtual tour from a first-person perspective to get a feel for what it looks like. You can also customize the exterior of the building by adding features to the garden. Explore Your Choices MyVirtualHome is simple and easy to use, especially if you’ve ever played board games that inspired it. Changing parts of the design are (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); click on them and a menu will appear with their palette and other options. Similarly, you can reposition the pieces in your design by clicking and dragging. As with any home improvement software, the most important limitation is the availability of the pieces you want. The app has a fairly diverse list of features, but if you don’t want something, you can use the menu to search examples on the web and download the model. Because this software is intended for the Australian market, it can be difficult to access technical support during the UK working hours. A useful design tool