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Notepad + + is a free open source application for text. A powerful editor full of options, Notepad + + is ideal for programming, as well as standard + + works with tabs, so it is very easy to work with multiple files open at the same time. The compare texts are therefore very simple, and each line is numbered. Font size in Notepad + + can be increased simply by holding CTRL and using the mouse wheel to zoom. Press F12 to make the current tab float above all else in (Function () {(“Review-app-page-Desktop”);}); For encoding, Notepad + + knows many loops, and will automatically make something like HTML much easier to see with color coding text. It also has an excellent find and replace tool. As a replacement for Window’s Notepad, Notepad + + is incredible, because it has so many more features and abilities, although our incredibly simple and + + is a functional application, but it will not win any awards for appearance, and many of The features are only useful for programmers. But anyone who writes text will find Notepad + + a useful tool, and much better than Windows + + has more features than you’ll ever use, but is one of the best and most complete text editors (to roam) Notepad + + hang on CJK input with ANSI, Zimbabwe Mint also word completion
Improves folding performance on large documents
Check update without elevation to administrator right
Add update Auto Detect for Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
BUG Fix: Doc updated Switcher icon can not “save all” action
Change Document Map via menu
Improved Find/Replace dialog result messages
Fix an issue “maximum number of recent files” can be set to 0
Add font sizes 5, 6, and 7 in style ConfiguratorChangesFix (to roam) Notepad + + hang on CJK input with ANSI documents andWord completes
Improves folding performance on large documents
To check the update without elevation TillAdministratörsrättighet
How to add automatic detection of updates to the environment Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
BUG Fix: Doc updated Switcher icon can not “save all” action
Change Document Map via menu
Improved Find/Replace dialog result messages
Fix an issue “maximum number of recent files” can be set to 0
Add font sizes 5, 6, and 7 in the Style Configurator