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Shazam! 2019

Billy Batsn is a 14th-century street that is magically transformed, he only prepares an adult to šaram and shout the word. His power was to soon put himself in the test when he stood up to the evil Dr. Jude Thaddeus Grey.

We have prepared ourselves, it only takes a little magic. In Billy Batsn and screaming word-šaram! A child who nurtures this way of a 14 year old Street can become an adult šaram training.

Directed by David F. Sandberg authors: Henry Gejdn (screenplay), Henry Gejdn (History) […] We have prepared ourselves, it will take a little magic. In Billy Batsn and screaming word-šaram! A child who nurtures this way of a 14 year old Street can become an adult šaram training.