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Sonma Touch Expert is a program designed for people who Hindi / English speakers want to improve writing in both languages. Through various alphabetical typing languages, it can be difficult to quickly and accurately print both languages, even if you have expertise and tools.WorksSonma Touch Expert has resolved the differences between the standard English keyboard QWERTY keyboard and digital translation; Uncertainty can slow down the use of the Internet and the type, and the project is designed to allow users to practice their skills. The project consists of simple, simple exercises.These exercises can be difficult to write from the letters to the group, then the sentence is easy and complicated. Users can speak the language and types of exercise changes by mouse clicks, and the scales on accuracy and speed will allow users to evaluate their results and improve their results.These statistics can be printed with the user name above to facilitate the work. This program also allows users to set their own testing period so that they can set the target for {function () {(“review app page desktop”}}); The shortcomings that arise by those who speak two languages that need to adapt to different keyboards are rarely considered,So lucky we develop Sonma Typing-Expert, which solves this problem. Although this program is simple, it works well for the speed and accuracy of the keyboard to add languages.