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ASUS Smart Gesture

ASUS Smart Gesture is a free driver update available for ASUS laptops that experienced gesture control issues after updating their operating systems to Windows 10. Though Windows 10 provides users with a brand new computing experience complete with improved features, the update also brought small bugs to existing laptops computers, namely the absence of gesture controls for trackpads. The ASUS Smart Gesture aims to repair the problem and return trackpads back to their former simple updateThe ASUS Smart Gesture driver update is available to all ASUS users who have experienced problems with their trackpads and others looking to stay up-to-date with patches for bug experienced in the last update. The updated driver is easy to download and install and can be found in the Windows device manager once the download is complete. In some instances, the old driver must first be removed in order to install the new update. Once this is completed, however, the driver will function (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });Easy accessOnce the driver is updated and installed, users will have access to its control menu in the bottom right-hand corner of their menu bar. From here, gestures can be set in order to maximize trackpad performance and increase its functionality. Not only will it be smooth and responsive when tapped, it also offers gestures like 2-finger scroll, tap to right-click and more. For those looking to keep their ASUS laptop up-to-date, the ASUS Smart Gesture driver is an important download.