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Binary Viewer is a software application that lets you view file information in binary the ToolOnce the tool is set up, you see a working space where files could be dragged and released into the primary frame. There is also the option to view the file through the file browser. You can locate hexadecimal values with their addresses, in addition to equivalent ASCII and Big/Little Endian values. Also, you can see specific file details such as creation date, last modification and access, company, size, the user who last saved the file, subject, revision number, etc. The application is lightweight and doesnt hog system resources, as it needs negligible amount of RAM and CPU to work right. Its quite responsive and performs smoothly, and seldom causes the OS to crash, hang or show error dialogues. This makes the tool quite ideal for seasoned software (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });Permissions and OptionsBinary Viewer lets printing features and lets you search for text in files or specific file content such as Unicode, ASCII, UTF8, etc. This also includes binary pattern or hexadecimal sequence. There are quite a few other unique options/permissions offered as well. For instance, you can open physical drives, copy text, set bookmarks, jump to a particular offset, format font traits, and alter the viewing mode. You also get quick access to character map, Windows calculator, and quite a few colour customisation choices with Binary Viewer.