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Cities: Skylines is a simulator for building and managing cities, with which you can manage and design your own metropolitan city. After disappointing SimCity 2013, this game has a very good approach to this genre. In addition to a great game, this game is completely open to community-created modes, so you can go to the city simulator you always wanted.
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When you start the Cities: Skylines game, you can forgive you for thinking it’s an obscure representation of an older SimCity game. But a little perseverance shows that developers not only learn from their predecessors, but also add their own ideas and innovations.
To get started, you can manage your city quickly with Cities: Skylines. You can make specific rules for each district – for example, legalizing drugs and taking the police out of the district and see what happens!
If you feel something is missing in the game, you can make your own mod or see the large amount that other players have made. At the time of writing, more than 35,000 community-made mods were available, from special buildings such as Skatepark to improved AI and first-person modes. One mud even makes a helicopter mod, so you can fly across your city! Modding means City: Skyline has almost unlimited possibilities.
Create the city of your dreams
City: Skylines seem to respond to some of SimCity’s biggest criticisms. This is most obvious in terms of city size – they can be more than five times bigger than in Maxis’ most recent work. It can also be played offline and is equipped with a full-featured card editor.
Real districts, modes and metropolises – Cities: Skylines offers tools to create the city you want.
City: Skylines are well optimized, so you don’t need a supercomputer to play the game properly. The graphics aren’t as flashy as SimCity, but they still look good, even as you approach your work. The interface is intuitive, especially if you have played similar games before, such as CitiesXL or SimCity.
The city simulator you’ve been waiting for
Although not perfect, Cities: Skylines is the best game of its kind since SimCity 4. Superlatives give you the freedom and tools to build the city you want, and allow you to manage it the way you want. Mod support brings games to the world of something special.