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For all the wonder of the digital age sometimes you just want something familiar and simple. Digital clocks lack the character of analogue clocks plus they can be harder to check at a glance especially for those with visual impairments. ClocX 64-bit is a handy traditional clock for your PC or laptop with a host of extra features. This free software is a nice addition to any Feature a Clock Needs!ClocX 64-bit?s most obvious feature is displaying a floating clock on your desktop which is pretty smart looking and easy to read. The list of extra features is pretty huge including the option to make it ?always on top? so the clock stays in view if you?re doing something else. You can even set alarms! You can set transparency language make it unmoveable put it on the system tray and choose to have it start up automatically with Windows. You can even change the appearance and use anti-aliasing to smooth it out visually!(function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });Time for a Change?ClocX 64-bit may seem a bit superfluous but if you want a clock on your PC this is the one to try. It has a ton of customisable features and it?s free to use so this is likely to be a permanent addition to your PC screen. The only downside here is that? well it?s just a clock!