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Far Cry is a first-person shooter that includes plenty of open-world exploration elements. As special forces veteran Jack Carver, you’re alone on a tropical island, searching for a missing journalist. Opposing you are squads of mercenaries as well as other, more exotic opponents. You’ll have to explore the island, take down the bad guys and get to the bottom of the case. Welcome to the jungleFar Cry pioneered the combination of open-world exploration and first-person shooter action; it was a critical success and spawned a series of sequels. The concept isn’t as innovative today as it was when the game was first released in 2004 — after all, success breeds imitators — but the game is still tense and exciting. Even compared to modern games parts of it are well-polished, such as the genuinely challenging enemy AI. If you’ve played other first-person shooters, you won’t find too much out of the ordinary in the controls here, although the gameplay focuses a little more on stealth and tactical thinking than on heavy firepower — Jack Carver is certainly tough, but he’s not indestructible. Although dated by modern standards, the graphics are still attractive. (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });Revisit a classicFar Cry isn’t the state-of-the-art visual tech extravaganza it once was, but the gameplay is still engaging enough to return to — or dive into for the first time. More about Far Cry
Far Cry 5 is the latest instalment of this immensely popular series of games. In this episode, the player will be required to do battle with a group of religious fanatics who desire to eventually take over the world. While this is a single-player platform, it is also possible to team up with friends to literally transform the entire and Basic OptionsFar Cry 5 involves a fictional religious cult known as Eden’s Gate. It is led by a prophetic minister named Joseph Steed who has convinced his followers that they have been called to take over Hope County. The player can explore all of the aspects of this area as well as discover powerful tools to fight this dangerous clan. Like the previous versions of Far Cry, the weapons roster and the power-up options are simply (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });Additional ObservationsThis game is currently slated to be released in February 2018. It is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and most personal computers. The graphics are amazingly intricate and the ability to freely interact with other characters virtually guarantees that no two plot lines are ever the same. Users can sign up for updates as well as secure their place by pre-ordering Far Cry 5 well in advance.