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Telegram is a message for speed and security and a good alternative to WhatsApp right away. Telegram support Group chat with contacts up to 200, it looks very important in safety and provides support for multimedia.
A high level of integrity and telegram of SecurityOne main goal is safety and integrity compared to WHATSAPP. For example, the characteristics of the telegram something called “secret chat” – encryption connection dialog in the message itself which resembles SnapChat and prevent others found them. There is also a selection of self that it would take to delete the entire account, except Login to set the height (in the works () (“study-application-site-desktop”);}); I is the security that started attracting users with the telegram in the first place, and now WHATSAPP is owned by Facebook, it seems this increase. Developers also claim that they sell or share user data with third parties, there are ads not in applications and completely free to use.
Send files to a quality article also supports diverse and 100 people on and allows to share all kinds of files so you can upload and download quite slowly. You can send a Group photo not only when and you can save the pictures pretty much as much as you want because the telegram and allows limit online WhatsApp, telegram also supports short voice messages left Although various programmes like Skype, you don’t really voice call.
One of the best alternatives to WhatsApp
As an alternative to free to WHATSAPP, providing security, telegram and a proposal that is very interesting.