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Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is an expansion pack for Warcraft III that brings a bunch of new features to it. This patch aims to correct minor bugs and add a few enhancements to the expansion popular Warcraft III saga lets you join the battle between humans and orcs. Patches like this one for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne are a very necessary element, as they help to improve your player experience by fixing specific bugs, adding changes to maps and enhancing various aspects in the (function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); });Among the features included in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, youll find new maps to explore and also new army units such as the Troll Bat Riders and Blood Elf Spell BreakersThe patch for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne fixes minor bugs, adds several improvements and keeps your Warcraft III up to date.