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Folder Lock is a comprehensive, excellent link folder. You have folders and files that you want to keep private, should you check the lock folder. It is not a free application like Mi Lockbok, but has excellent configuration options and many ways to keep important and private documents far from priing (function () {(‘reviev-app-page-desktop’);}); How does it work? The folder lock offers you several options. First, it will be integrated into Windows Explorer,if there is a file or directory, right click to lock it. From here you will have possibility of locking or shutdown. When you open the interface, you have many more options, including the ability to lock and encrypt files, protect sources, CDs, and USB DVDs and encrypt emails. Folder Lock is really a flexible program and offers much more than just folder folding. They can also be virtually encryptedCreate wallets, store things like address data on banks and also include all encryption encryption data. Folder folder configuration settings are also comprehensive and it is apparent that the Passport Folder Lock views are a great program. There are many free Lock Locker applications, but many do not have more functionality and ease of use. Download and try – we believe you like Lock – a great applicationto protect the folder. We highly recommend it.