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Rufus is special software that allows you to create USB flash drives. The program promises to be extremely versatile and easy to use, and is free to download and use without any Get GetIn program, except for the USB flash drive, Rufus can create other types of applications such as USB keys, memory card pens, pens and other storage methods and data transmission. , People who have not used this type of software are likely to notice the moment, and the lack of a help file means that it is good to contact a technically knowledgeable friend. However, once the skills are managed, all types of USB disks can be created on a non-function (function () {(‘review-page-page-desktop’);}); USB at your fingertips People looking for a free way to make their own USB boot disks, make sure they take the time to get Rufus through the steps. However, it should be noted that the software is compatible with Windows only and anyone using another type of operating system will need to look for another program to perform this task.