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Spider Man: Into the Spider Verse

Bitten by a radioactive spider in the underpass, Brooklyn in his teenage Miles Morales suddenly develops mysterious powers that turn him into a single Spider-Man. When he meets Peter Parker, he soon realizes that there are many others who share their particular talents, flying high. Miles must now use his new skills to fight the evil boss, a madman who can open bridges to other uniculators and shoot different versions of Spider-Man in our world.

Spider-Man: For the Spider-Verse presents Brooklyn student morals teenagers, and the possibilities of not liking the cordial-verse, where more than one can wear the mask.

Miles Morales becomes “Spider-Man” its reality and crosses paths with its other dimension counterparts to avoid a threat to all realities.

Directors: Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey

Miles Morales crosses Fire Peter Parker. This Peter Parker is not of his world; He’s somewhere else in the multiverse. With Parker’s direction, Miles will become “Spider-Man”: Thus, it will become a part of the ever-expanding Spider-Verse.