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Even if your wireless network is password protected, it is possible that someone has successfully connected without your knowledge. If you are very generous and do not consider the slowdown of the speed of the internet for others to enjoy your internet for free, go ahead. However, if you are like me and want to enjoy high speed internet, then Wireless Network Watcher is the tool you need.
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Just open the app with a simple wireless network observer and scan the network to see all connected devices. You can see unwanted visitors in just a few moments. Wireless Network Watcher also provides intruder details, including IP address, MAC router and user type.
But it is not perfect. In our tests, Wireless Network Watcher did not detect every device in our network (which is widely recognized) during the first scan and required repeated tests to get a complete picture.
Easy to use
A wireless network observer is also just a window into your network. It does not offer any warnings and does not offer methods to block or prohibit intruders. Instead, it just shows you that action needs to be taken, but only if you remember to see it.
On the plus side, Wireless Network Watcher is very easy to use. All you have to do is click the button on the toolbar or click the F5 key. The scans are almost immediate and cumulative, with computers that remain listed and newly added have been found.
Good Wi-Fi keeper
In addition to the issues mentioned above, the Wireless Watcher is an excellent tool to protect your Wi-Fi network. If you suspect someone is connecting, don’t hesitate to download it.
Add a “Device Options” window (Ctrl + F9) that lets you change the sound / tray configuration for each device separately. The Device Options window (Ctrl + F9) has been added, which allows you to change the balloon / sound balloon configuration for each device separately